Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2º NA - File 1C - The adventures of a non-native speaker

Language Facts

Did you know that...
  • There are between 6000 and 7000 languages in the world - spoken by six billion people divided into 189 independent states.
  • There are about 225 indigenous languages in Europe - roughly 3% of the world’s total.
  • Most of the world’s languages are spoken in Asia and Africa.
  • At least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual, i.e. they speak two or more languages.
  • Many languages have 50,000 words or more, but individual speakers normally know and use only a fraction of the total vocabulary: in everyday conversation people use the same few hundred words.
  • In its first year a baby utters a wide range of vocal sounds; at around one year the first understandable words are uttered; at around three years complex sentences are formed; at five years a child possesses several thousand words.
  • The mother tongue is usually the language one knows best and uses most. But there can be “perfect bilinguals” who speak two languages equally well. Normally, however, bilinguals display no perfect balance between their two languages.
  • Bilingualism brings with it many benefits: it makes the learning of additional languages easier, enhances the thinking process and fosters contacts with other people and their cultures.
  • Languages are related to each other like the members of a family. Most European languages belong to the large Indo-European family.
  • Most European languages belong to three broad groups: Germanic, Romance and Slavic.
  • The Germanic family of languages includes Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, German, Dutch, English and Yiddish, among others.
  • The Romance languages include Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, among others.
  • The Slavic languages include Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and others.
  • Most European languages use the Latin alphabet. Some Slavic languages use the Cyrillic alphabet. Greek, Armenian, Georgian and Yiddish have their own alphabet.
  • Most countries in Europe have a number of regional or minority languages – some of these have obtained official status.
  • The non-European languages most widely used on European territory are Arabic, Chinese and Hindi, each with its own writing system.
  • Russia (148 million inhabitants) has by far the highest number of languages spoken on its territory: from 130 to 200 depending on the criteria.
  • Due to the influx of migrants and refugees, Europe has become largely multilingual. In London alone some 300 languages are spoken (Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish, Berber, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.)
                                                                                                                               (source: http://www.ecml.at/)

Dear students & readers of this blog,

Last September 26 was the European Day of Languages, which aims to celebrate the rich and diverse culture behind each and every language. Their website offers information about the purpose of the celebration, a calendar of events in different countries, a self-assessment language test, etc. Have a look!

The Advanced level 2 students chose the words of the English language they considered most beautiful. Here they are:

SUNSHINE (noun, uncount, sing.): the light and heat from the sun. (Guadalupe Baquero Maestre)
PEACE (noun, uncount, sing): A situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area. (May González Santana)
SWEETIE (noun, informal): A person who is kind and easy to like. (May González Santana)
LOVE (noun, uncount): A strong feeling of deep affection for sb/sth, especially a member of your family or a friend. (Pepa Torrado Langa)
SERENDIPITY (noun, uncount): the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance. (Marián Paiva Mediavilla)
PLAY (verb, trans./ intrans.): To do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work. (Pedro Piedelobo)
RAINBOW (noun): A curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain. (Gema Beorlegui Aristu)
HOPE (verb. Trans/ intrans.): To want something to happen and think it is possible. (Ramón Cano de la Ossa)
CHOCOLATE (noun, uncount): A hard brown sweet food made from cocoa beans, used in cooking to add flavour to cakes, etc, or eaten as sweet/candy. (Teresa Martín Muñoz)
CHEWING-GUM (noun. uncount):  A sweet/candy that you chew but do not swallow. (Gema Jiménez Gutiérrez)

A while ago, in class, we spoke about learning and speaking a foreign language. We discussed how a non-native speaker has to deal with the grammar, intonation or pronunciation of a foreign language. Maybe you can relate to the people in the video below:

Check this extremely interesting document: GUIA DEL APRENDIZ DE LENGUAS (in Spanish)

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