Wednesday, March 12, 2014

'The Tramp' turns 100

Dear students & readers of this blog,

On a day such as February 2, 1914, Charles Sydney Chaplin made his movie debut in Hollywood, in the film 'Making a living'. The film was not what we would call successful, but it opened him the way to his second appearance on screen, where this London-born actor, singer and comedian, coming from an acting family, would create his most famous and celebrated character: THE TRAMP

 If you want to read on, click here.

I would like to celebrate here, and in our classroom, such an important even in film history. So keep on reading!

In the first place, and thanks to the generosity of my colleague Luis García, I would like to suggest you do a websearch. Click on the Charles Chaplin Official Website, do some research and answer the following questions:

1- What happened during Charles Chaplin's mother's days in Hollywood that was so important for her?
2- Who sings the song 'Swing little girl' in the film 'The Circus'?
3- Which two roles did Chaplin play in 'The Idle Class'?

The people who successfully answer these questions might get a little treat!!

Also, if you are students at the Official Language School of Plasencia, you might have seen some board panels hanging from the ceiling with shots of some of Chaplin's films. That is a game we are suggesting you. Take a slip of paper with the titles on the films, and go to the panels and try to match the film shots and the titles. Then go to the library to check your answers, and show your teacher (well, me) how many you got right!! Another treat, maybe?

And finally, for our next class on Monday 17 March, I suggest we have some debate on one of Chaplin's most famous films: MODERN TIMES (1936).

Watch it, and consider the following questions, that we will debate in class:

1. Who is your favourite character? Why?
2. What is your favourite scene?
3. What is the main idea in the film? What is it really about?
4. What do you think of how the director expressed his ideas?
5. How did the film make you feel?
6. This film was made some 80 years ago, but, is it an oudated film? Why?

If you wish to see other films by Charles Chaplin, you can find many of them on YOUTUBE. Go ahead and watch!!


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