Thursday, March 13, 2014

NB 2 - Countable & uncountable nouns

Dear students & readers of this blog,

These past few weeks we have been working with COUNTABLE & UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS in class. Remember that the basic caracteristics of COUNTABLE nouns are:

- They can take the plural
- They can take the indefinite article a/an
- They can take numerals: one, two, three...
- They can take some/any in the plural

However, UNCOUNTABLE nouns are words that refer to something that cannot be divided in separate elements:

- We usually count them as singular
- They do not take the indefinite article a/an
- They do not take numerals
- They can be made countable by using PARTITIVES and CONTAINERS

And finally, we have those nouns that change meaning, depending on their being countable or uncountable, as in:

- paper (the material) = a paper (newspaper)
- coffee (the substance) = a coffee (a cup of coffee)
- glass (the material) = a glass (a container used for water, for example)

As you might need some extra help with it, here it is.

And maybe you might find this video also helpful. Enjoy!!

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