Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Class Diary Weeks 16 & 17 (4-14 February 2013)

Dear students & readers of this blog,

This is what we've done in class in the last week and a half:

2º NB

- Vocabulary: house & furniture
- Grammar: there is/are
- Prepositions of place
- Pronunciation: silent letters
- Brief mention to St. Valentine's Day

Students' book:
- p. 62, ex 1 a + p. 161 (the house), ex, 2 - listening, a, b, c.
- p. 63 ex. 2 d., ex 5 (speaking)
- p. 138-139: there is/are
- p. 64, ex. 1 a, b, c & d.
- p. 65, ex. 2 a + p. 162 (prepositions of place), ex. 3 a, b, ex. 4 a, b

- Writing p. 114: A description of your hourse for a house swapping website
- There was/ were pp. 138-139. 

Vocabulary of the parts of the house & and furniture

2º NA

- Vocabulary: Onomatopoeias
- Talking about speculation and deduction
- St. Valentine's Day
- Pronunciation: Consonant clusters

Student's book:
- pag. 36, ex. 1 a, b, c & f
- p. 161 - Sounds and the human voice
- p. 162 ex. 2, 3 a, b, c
- p. 38, ex 4 (speculation & deduction), a + p. 142 (grammar & exercises). Ex, 5  a & c
- p. 39, ex 4 d, e, f, g.

Videos & interactive games:
Song - The Only Exception
- Sound or noise


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