Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Class Diary week 4 (22-26 Oct)

Dear students & readers of this blog,

This is what we did last week:

2º NB

- Revision plurals, demonstrative adjectives and the article (a/an)
- Phonetics: Consonant sounds 2. Pronunciation plurals (/s/, /z/, /iz/)
- Adjectives: opposites, colours

Student's book:
- p.151 - things
- p. 12, ex. 2 a
- p. 15, ex 3 e

- P. 152 - Common adjectives

- Mystery objects
- Revision plurals
- Revision demonstrative adjectives
- Revision indefinite article 'a/an' (+ definite article 'the')
- Pronunciation plurals

- None

2º NA

- Talking about work: 5 questions to ask before choosing a career, job hunting (CV writing, reference letters), job interview tips
- What's your personality type? - Personality adjectives

Student's book:
- p. 7, ex. 6
- p. 8, ex 1 a, b, d. Ex 2 a
- p. 116

Job interview tips - Maggie Mistal (see blog post on 'work'): 
When you watch, say:
- What moments of the job interview they discuss about.
- What tips Maggie gives for each of those moments. 

- Job hunting: CV writing (from Inside Out Upper Intermediate)

- Read the article "Working girl"
- p. 137 - Have

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