Monday, October 15, 2012

Class Diary Week 2 (8-11 Oct)

Dear students & readers of this blog,

This is what we did in our second week of class:

2º NB

- Revising the alphabet: spelling
- Revising numbers: 0-1,000,000, asking for & saying telephone numbers
- Revising the days of the week: focus on pronunciation
- Countries

Students' book:
- p. 5, ex. 5 a & b
- p. 7, ex. 6 a & b
- p. 148 - Numbers & days of the week
- p. 6 - world quiz
- p. 149 - The world (countries & nationalities)

- Have a look at pages 148 & 149 at home.

- Number dictation

2º NA

- Talking about motivation

Student's book:
- p. 4 & 5 reading comprehension
- p. 4 ex. a, b & c.
- p. 5 - lexis in context

- RSA animation: The surprising truth about what motivates us.
- TED, ideas worth spreading: Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
- Steve Jobs's commencement speech at Standford University (done in class, with comprehension questions)

- Types of motivation: intrinsic, extrinsic & cooperative (speaking activity in class)
- Discussion questions on the different types of motivation (speaking activity in class)
- Comprehension questions on Steve Jobs's Commencement speech video


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