Monday, October 3, 2011

2º NA - Quotes, quotes...

Dear students & readers of this blog,

Our first lesson in the student's book starts with a quote by G.K. Chesterton (photo) that reads:

"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite."

Don't forget to click on Chesterton's name to read a little bit about his life and works!

Let me tell you some of my favourite quotes in English. One I really like is:

"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul"

This quote belongs to a poem called "Invictus", by William Ernest Henley. The poem goes like this:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

Watch now Sir Alan Bates, famous (and sadly deceased) British actor, recite the poem:

But why did Henley write this poem? What does it mean? This is what says about the background of the poem:

"At the age of 12, Henley fell victim to tuberculosis of the bone. A few years later, the disease progressed to his foot, and physicians announced that the only way to save his life was to amputate directly below the knee. It was amputated when he was 17. Stoicism inspired him to write this poem. Despite his disability, he survived with one foot intact and led an active life until his death at the age of 53."

And now, THE HOMEWORK! :D Please write a comment giving your favourite quote IN ENGLISH and briefly explaining who said it and its background.


nazaret said...

Hi teacher! Here is my Quote:

"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead" Benjamín Franklin.

Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was a scientist, inventor, political theorist, politician, diplomat... and even more, but I can't write all the things he did. (If you want to know more about him, you can read what says about him)

He wrote this Quote in the "The Poor Richard's Almanac", but what is an Almanac?
An Almanac is a kind of magazine with some poems, weather information, scientific articles...
Benjamín published the almanac from 1732 to 1758 wiht his pseudonym: "The Poor Richard"

When I heard that Quote at the first time I didn't Know who said it. I heard it in a TV series called "Pretty Little Liars". It is about five friends who has a lot of secrets between them and whith other people. However, that secrets are being told by an anonymous person.

So, what that quote means is that you can trust no one but your self with your own tell ANYBODY!!


Marian Paiva said...
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Leticia said...

Thanks a lot, Marián!!

I am a fan of Oscar Wilde - I personally think he was a genius - and, as far as he is concerned, I think that everything he said could be used as a quote. So thank you for sharing your favourite quote from "The Portrait of Dorian Gray."

Just a few things: remember that the personal pronoun "I" MUST be always spelled with a CAPITAL LETTER, as well as nationalities such as "Portuguese". Remember that "use to" is not used in the present. To express habit, repetition, use "usually". "Resume" is a false friend that means "continue, recommence, begin again". The word you were probably looking for was "summarize". Say "refusing to be exposed" and "taking the risk of experiencing them."

Otherwise, good job!

Leticia said...

Hahahaha!! I love your quote, Nazaret!!!

Thanks for your contribution"

pedro said...

hello, I'm Pedro, trying to send my quotes, but informatics mustn't be made for me.
My first quote belongs to Julius Henry Marx , also known as Groucho Marx: “Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others"; it's just suitable for politicians today.
Marx was a famous American comediant in cinema during the 50's and 60's.
The other quote is "God does not play dice". It was said by Albert Einstein. He was one of the most important Physicists over the last century,despite he was supposed to have any intellectual disability

Tere Martín said...

Good afternoon, everyone! :D
This is my quote:

'Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.'
Marie Curie

I really admire her because she is one of the best scientist of all times. She was so intelligent, and she dared to investigate in a male-dominated atmosphere, as it is Physics.
Marie Curie discovered the radium, an extremely dangerous chemical element,and radioactivity, between many others things. Thanks to her achievements, we can now do X-rays, for example.
She was the first female teacher in the Sorbone, in Paris and she was also the first person who received two Nobel awards.
I think this woman was very intelligent,and she showed that women can be as intelligent as men, or even more. I love sciences, and I would love to follow in her footsteps. She's definitely a great role model for me.

Have a nice day everyone!
Teresa Martín

Tere Martín said...

Hi again! I'm Teresa Martín and I've forgotten why I had chosen that Curie's quote, I'm sorry.

I think that if society spent the same time gossiping than making themselves questions about life and thinking, this would be a better place. I mean, society must worry less about people private lives and more about science and progress. I think education is a very important thing in humanity. Education can make better , in both an intelectual and a moral way, and that's why I've chosen that great quote from a great woman.

Leticia said...

Thanks, Pedro and Tere!!

PEDRO: Groucho Marx is certainly worth quoting. Just remember a couple of things: "despite THE FACT THAT he was supposed..."; "comedian" instead of "comediant" and "computers were not made for me"

TERE: Marie Curie was certainly an admirable woman and an unparalelled female scientist. Just a couple of things: "DARE INVESTIGATE" instead of "dare to investigate"; "she discovered radium" instead of the radium", "among many other things" instead of "between..."; "she was awarded the Noble Prize twice".
"...gossiping AS making questions...", "education can make people better".


May said...

Hello Leticia!
I just found this quote. I hope you like it!

"I must be cruel only to be kind;
Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind."

William Shakespeare

May said...

I must be cruel only to be kind;
Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind.

William Shakespeare

I've just found this quote on he net. I hope you like it!

Marian Paiva said...
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