Sunday, April 3, 2011


One of the skills that is usually more difficult for students of English as a foreign language is writing. When we write, all that we have learn comes together and shapes up in a text: our grammar, our vocabulary. We mistakenly tend to assume that the way English speakers punctuate sentences is the same as in Spanish. But this is not true. There are different conventions as regards the use of the full stop (.), the comma (,) or the question mark (?), just to name a few. But before having a look at some basic punctuation rules in English, let's learn the name of the main punctuation marks:

. full stop (US - period)
, comma
? Question mark
! Exclamation mark
: colon
; semicolon
( ) parenthesis
[ ] Brackets
- dash
... ellipsis
"" quotation marks
/ slash
- hyphen

Now, let's see some basic punctuation rules. Click here. (source: BBC skillswise):

Basic puntuation quiz


Basic punctuation worksheets

Why don't you also have a look at:

capital letters

making sentences

Spaniards have a hard time with learning how to use commas in English, so here you have some help:

using commas

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