Saturday, March 12, 2011

Breaking News: Japan earthquake coverage, live on the BBC

A powerful tsunami has swept across a large area of northern Japan causing major damage, flooding towns and sweeping away buildings. It was triggered by a 8.9-magnitude earthquake. It is said that the death toll could reach 1,300 people. (source: BBC)

For live coverage on the BBC, click

To know how tsunamis occur, follow this guide.
How are earthquakes mesured? Click here to know.

For more info on the earthquake and its aftermath, visit the BBC site.


Conchi said...

It's incredible. Forces of nature can be devastating and also because if they had enough also the problem of nuclear radiation.I wish,I never have to see anything like it in my life.

Leticia said...

Yes, I agree. As if they didn't have enough already! It is in these occasions when you realise how small and powerless you are. I always think of the song "Fragile" by Sting, in occasions such as this...

marysol said...

I shocked by all that is happening in Japan. I hope the country can recover soon

Leticia said...

Absolutely, Marysol, I was also in shock too. But what I find most amazing is how the people there can go on with their lives amidst the distruction. I also hope they can recover from this catastrophe soon!
Thanks for your contribution!

Unknown said...

I think Japanese are made of something special. I saw on tv how they made queue with no problem to pick up some food and water, just like if they were waiting to buy a ticket! In any other country the people would have had a different behaviour, surely. This kinds of things really scares me and I think to myself that we are nothing in this world.