Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NA2 - Ways of responding: question tags & echo questions

Dear students & readers of this blog,

These days, in our advanced class, we have been revising the different ways one has to respond in English to what other person says. Short phrases like "¿ah sí?", "¿De verdad?" are of frequent use in Spanish. But English uses something completely different, a short grammatical structure that is usually very hard for Spanish speakers to incorporate to their active set of structures to manage. 

This, basically, has to do with the extended use of AUXILIARY VERBS, those underrated and underestimated nice little words. They can be used in all sorts of ways:
  • For emphasis: I do believe you.
  • In 'echo questions': I'm going to buy a house / Oh! Are you? How wonderful!
  • In question tags: You locked the door, didn't you?
  • To avoid unnecessary repetitions: My friends loved the film, but I didn't.
That's why, taking advantage of the chance our student's book gives us, we had a look at it again. Because...guess what? English speakers find it veeeeery difficult to use these structures on a regular basis and without thinking.

So let me give you a hand. Here are some wonderful power point presentations I found on the Net. Enjoy!!


Question tags from leticiaeoiplasencia

Thanks to the person who generously posted this on the Internet!!

For more on question tags. Click here.

Interesting, isn't it?

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