Monday, October 25, 2010

On the night of the 31 October...

Next Sunday 31 October many people celebrate the night of the Dead, the night where evil spirits and witches run free among the living.

As it is traditional, we want to celebrate it in our school. But as you know, this year Halloween falls on a Sunday, and we're not going to be here, are we?

So please join us for a party on THURSDAY 29, from 6.30 to 9 pm.

There'll be lots of fun with:

- A pumpking carving workshop: we'll give a prize to the best carved pumpkin!!
- Costumes: every person who comes disguised will be given a little treat ;)
- Storytelling: Lauren, our language assistant, and students of 1º de Nivel Avanzado, will be reading some scary stories
- Face painting
- Halloween videos & music
- And some food & drink (don't forget to bring a little something; we'll buy the rest)

... Lots of fun. DON'T MISS IT!!!

Did you know that...
  • Halloween has Celtic origins? The Celtic festival SAMHAIN [pronounced /saun/] celebrated the end of the year, which finished in October.
  • the Celts believed that ghosts, witches and evil spirits entered the world of the living on the night of the 31st October?
  • people wore costumes to scare the evil spirits away?
  • orange and black are the colours of Halloween?
  • the word "Halloween" comes from "All Hallows' Eve", which is the day before All Saints' Day?
  • in some English-speaking countries people wear scary costumes and masks and go to parties?

Now watch the video below about the origins of Halloween. No subtitles. Try to get the most important words and follow the images!

Jack-O'-Lanterns are made out of pumpkins. People put Jack-O'-Lanterns in front of their windows or in their gardens, to frighten evil spirits. Did you know that this tradition originated in Great Britain and Ireland and that, originally, people used turnips?

Now watch the following video. You will see how a Jack-O'-Lanternt is made:

Another of the most characteristic activities of Halloween is TRICK-OR-TREATING? Children go, between 6 and 8 pm, to their neighbours' houses, wearing costumes, asking for sweets (or candy, as they say in the USA). Be careful. If children go trick-or-treating to your house, and you don't give them sweets, they'll play a trick on you...and some are NOT funny...

Watch this old 1952 Donald Duck cartoon about trick-or-treating.

Now, enough of history. Now let's have some fun. LET'S PLAY! Try playing these games...

Do you like SCARY STORIES? Here you have some...

And finally, let's SING A BIT...



Unknown said...

Hi Leticia, this comment is of Maria José and mine, because we are working together now.

We know than Halloween is a Celta Festivity.

The Anglo-Saxon tradition say that night of 31 October is easy to see wiches and ghots.

Is an opportunity where children wearing costumes and they knock the doors of their neighbours to ask sweets saying TRICK-OR-TREAT.

In Spain this festivity we homage to own deads.

Conchi said...

Ages ago, when the history was short and winter was dark,people thougth that one day a year,in which the spirits out of their graves to walk among the living. A day in Ireland,a priest tried to confuse the spirits igniting large bonfires, and the sky was filled of smoke and, this confused the spirits.
In the eighth century the pope gregory third,established the day of all saints, on the first of November,the same day that the famous ritual.
Before the ninth century,thousands of Irish emigrated to The United States,they began to change the traditions of the place.Replaced the bonfires by lanterns made with pumpkins.
Now is a feast very popular,where children and adults can wear costumes,go out to get sweets with the traditional: Trick or treat!

Leticia said...

Hi Conchi!!

Thanks for your summary! Just a couple of comments on it:

"in which the spirits GET out of their graves"

"and the sky was filled WITH smoke"

"Pope Gregory VIII established"

"the same day AS"



Manuel said...

I´ve just seem the video about halloween.
I must to admit, it is a interesting video to can understand better the real origins of Halloween.
Halloween began as traditional celtic festivity beacuse the summer ends and good harvest end and a "dark season" begin.

Time after, Pagans tried to supplant it by a Christian holiday

By 1850 the irish inmigrants brought their holiday´s customs to América and some examples like the "jack o lantern" was well received by people.

Today, is a very important holiday in every world, many countries celebrate this holidays like as its own.

Unknown said...

My opinion about Halloween is that I don´t agree with celebrating in Spain. I think that it´s a costum of others countries, although is being introduced little by little in our country. It´s funny for children.

Fran Naranjo said...

I went to a Halloween party last Sunday and I enjoy it so much.

Not everyone wore costumes but it was all very well decorated, cobwes, spiders, graves, pumpkins, etcetera.

I think Halloween is great because I like wear customes, especially if they are scary.
It is very interesting because you know someone in the party and she speak english although she is German, all the way you practice.
One of my favourite custome at the party was "Psicosis mother" from the film (including knife)

I'd like to enjoy Halloween in USA next year :-)

Leticia said...

I'm glad you had fun, Fran! Just a couple of things:
- I enjoyed it very much.
- cobwebs
- I like wearing costumes.
- I met someone at the party. She spoke English but she was German. All the way, I could practice.
- Norman Bates's mother in "Psycho".


Leticia said...

Hi, Paloma,

Thanks for expressing your opinion. Just a couple of things:

- I don't agree with celebrating it in Spain.
- I think it is a tradition of other countries, although it is being introduced...

Leticia said...

Hi, Manuel,
Thanks for your comment on the story of Halloween. Just a couple of comments:

- "I must admit, it is an interesting video that allows you to understand the real origins of Halloween better."

- "Halloween started as a traditional Celtic...a dark season begins."

- "Some time after that, the Pagan festivity was replaced by a Christian holiday."

- "Irish immigrants brought their tradition to America, and it was well received."

- "Today it is a very important festivity all around the world. This festivity is celebrated by many as their own."


Leticia said...

Hi Maribel & Mª José,

Thanks for your comment. Just a couple of comments:

- Halloween is a Celtic festivity.
- "The Anglo-saxon tradition says that, on the night of 31 October, it is easy to see..."
- It is an opportunity for children to wear costumes and to know on the doors of their neighbours to ask for sweets..."

- In Spain we pay homage to our dead relatives.
