Monday, October 26, 2009

This is Halloween, this is Halloween...

One of our favourite festivities is coming along!! HALLOWEEN!! As you know, we celebrate Halloween on 31 October, but it's a Saturday, and obviously, none of us is going to be at the school on such a day of the week, don't you think? So, to sort out this little "problem", and as every year, we're celebrating it together a little bit earlier. So please join us for a party on THURSDAY 29, from 6.30 pm on. There'll be a pumpking carving workshop and we'll give a prize to the best carved pumpkin!! There'll also be storytelling, face painting, halloween activities... Lots of fun. DON'T MISS IT!!!

When did it all start??

Interesting, isn't it? Well, maybe you need a little bit of help. Why don't you READ about the history of this festivity? Then you can watch the video again to see if you understand more. Try as many times as you need...

Now, enough of history. Now let's have some fun. LET'S PLAY! Try playing these games...

Do you like SCARY STORIES? Here you have some...

And finally, let's SING A BIT...

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