Friday, June 26, 2009

He's gone to Neverland...never to come back

Half the planet is in shock. As you may know by now, Michael Jackson, one of the icons of pop music in the world, died yesterday, on June 25, reportedly after suffering a cardiac arrest (=paro cardiaco). The causes of Jackson's death are still under investigation. The Peter Pan of music, controversial, eccentric, an outstading musician and dancer, no one could be indifferent to him. Whether you liked him or not, he was undoubtedly remarkable. So here's our litte tribute to him.
For further reading on Michael Jackson's death, click on the words below:

The Life of Michael Jackson: a complete coverage (from ABC news - no subtitles, but hey! never fear! [=¿Quién dijo miedo?])

"Thriller", released in 1982, was Michael Jackson's sixth studio album and the best-selling album of all time. Here is a sample of it, the revolutionary video clip Thriller. It was the most expensive video of its time, and Guiness World Records listed it in 2006 as "the most successful music video" of all time.

Michael Jackson Lyrics

Rest in peace.

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