Sunday, May 8, 2011

1º NB (A1) Of houses and furniture - There is/are

Dear students and readers of this blog,

Unit 6 deals with the vocabulary of the house, its rooms and its furniture. Why don't you take some time to have a look at this? You will surely find it useful.

First of all, we need to practise THERE IS/ARE a little bit, don't we?

Now read the description a 10-year old English boy makes of his house:

1. The kitchen
2. The living room
3. The bathroom
4. The bedroom
5. The garden

Why don't you visit our VIRTUAL HOUSE ?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NI (B1) - Rumour has it...REPORTED SPEECH

Dear students & readers of this blog,

As you know, there are two ways we can transmit what someone said: by quoting the exact words (DIRECT SPEECH) and by giving an approximate version of them, with some changes (INDIRECT & REPORTED SPEECH).

Right now we are studying the reported speech in class, and we could use some extra help, couldn't we?

So click here to learn about the grammar of the reported speech.

Or here...

Now, some practice:

Do you like gossiping? Do you usually believe what people say? Read the lyrics of the song we are going to listen to in class. RUMOURS, GOSSIP... As soon as I learn how to upload the audio file of the song to this blog, I'll do it. Promise!

And to finish this post, the last sensation of British music: RUMOUR HAS IT, by Adele.